An Oeuf With Blockchain, Already

Blockchain Eggs

I created a short video and slide deck to help illustrate how a blockchain works. This is not about Bitcoin, but is intended to help people who aren’t as experienced with Merkle trees understand that the idea of a blockchain…

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NATO, We Want To Go To War With You

Originally on Foreign Policy, December 22nd, 2020. Wargames can provide essential cybersecurity training for soldiers. But they won’t succeed unless the players confront real, independent hackers. BY TARAH WHEELER, AMY ERTAN | DECEMBER 22, 2020, 7:53 AM In recent years, NATO has begun to…

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The Lady of Shalott

I started this project when I was 19. I remember sitting on the lawn at Carroll College in Helena, Montana, and starting that first stitch up in the top left corner in DMC 420. The Lady of Shalott is a…

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