T3 Curriculum

Monday, Sept 15, 2014





-You’ll get this hot sheet each day



Lecture on the nature of tech and why you belong in it


Break for coffee and refreshments


Video clip of Malcolm Gladwell and discussion



Workshop on small and large goals for this class and your career

-Small goal by end of class

-Larger goal in 30 days



-Create a Github account

-Join the mailing list the group decides to build

Transitioning To Tech

Tarah Wheeler Van Vlack

CEO, Fizzmint; Director, Hack The People



Tuesday, Sept 16, 2014

7:00-7:10 FOCUS ON TODAY

Pass out hot sheet

Answer questions from previous day

7:10-7:50 LECTURE + Q/A

  1. Learning and side projects -How you get jobs
    1. Github – Don’t bother with other hubs and repositories for now
    2. Network
      1. Colleagues
    3. Charity or cause – it’s how you get access to people
  2. Where to learn
    1. Online
      1. Video tutorials (will show example later
      2. Github and your personal code base
    2. In person
      1. Your skills meetup
        1. Seattle PyLadies
        2. PuPy
        3. Seattle WordPress Meetup
      2. Your fellowship/code camp
        1. Code Fellows
    3. Elance and Odesk
      1. How to get started as a freelancer
      2. It’s good to be bad
  3. Getting started for under $100
    1. Some kind of laptop 
    2. Example: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lenovo-Thinkpad-T61-Laptop-2ghz-Centrino-Duo-2GB-RAM-100GB-Hard-Drive-Windows-7-/251643290361?pt=Laptops_Nov05&hash=item3a971be2f9


BREAK for coffee and refreshments


WORKSHOP on Github commenting



Learning to code with HTML + Q/A



-Get a Twitter account and tweet to a friend

  -Get a LinkedIn account and send to the mailing list

  -Comment on a Github repository 

-OPTIONAL Submit a pull request to a company’s real code.

Transitioning To Tech

Tarah Wheeler Van Vlack

CEO, Fizzmint; Director, Hack The People



Wednesday, Sept 17th, 2014

7:00-7:10 FOCUS ON TODAY

Pass out hot sheet

Answer questions from previous day

7:10-7:50 LECTURE + Q/A

  1. LECTURE People skills matter more
    1. Online – Social media and how to advertise yourself
      1. Give to get
      2. How to flatter people the right way online
      3. Add them to list
      4. Send them good news and articles
    2. In person meetings and jobs
      1. Don’t waste your time or do coffee meetings
      2. How to follow up
      3. Don’t waste other people’s time -Ask them for answers, not time
      4. Combine your effort and set up a party or a networking event yourself.
    3. Mentorship
      1. What is mentorship really?
      2. Become part of the web of relationships that other people have created
      3. Be a credit to your mentors
      4. When someone introduces you, you’re part of their reputation
      5. If your mentor helps you or brings you to an event, do exactly what http://xanaxonlinebuy.com they say
      6. Ask for what you need
      7. Put time into your mentees
      8. Start with a Hack The People group.


BREAK for coffee and refreshments


VIDEO + Q&A on Self Confidence



  1. Networking 101
    1. Handshake
    2. Eye contact
    3. Hi! I’m $NAME.
  2. Brainstorm on your two sentence introductions
    1. Practice with each other
    2. grow comfortable introducing yourself
  3. What is your ask? What do you want from them?



    • Check on our goals as a group
    • Write a thank you card and bring it to class tomorrow
    • Try on interview outfits and wear it to class tomorrow

Transitioning To Tech

Tarah Wheeler Van Vlack

CEO, Fizzmint; Director, Hack The People



Thursday, Sept 18th, 2014

7:00-7:10 FOCUS ON TODAY

Pass out hot sheet

Answer questions from previous day and goals checkin

7:10-7:50 LECTURE + Q/A

  1. LECTURE Never interview again
    1. You’re always being considered for jobs; you just don’t know it
      1. This is good, because you might be in a  job that you don’t want to insult or lose until you have something better.
      2. What you’re doing is expanding your opportunity horizon and edges.
    2. If you don’t know what to do, make something! Anything!
      1. You will fail a lot – initiative and failing better with a good tolerance for that failure is the real key
    3. How companies really find you 
      1. Counterintuitive – don’t apply for jobs—make them find you
      2. Open source companies find their coders and Q/A people based on pull requests
      3. Many companies hide their recruitment in publicity or public relations maneuvering
        1. Mozilla’s diversity initiative
        2. You’re being constantly thin-sliced. 
      4. The power of positive externalities
        1. Thank you cards
        2. People will think of you when you’re called to mind.
        3. Blogging shows your skill set and your brand. 
      5. LinkedIn profile matters! Be findable!
        1. Photo
        2. Summary
        3. Keywords
      6. Creating your own career by defining what you work on
        1. Time is always a problem with tech. 
        2. The way we think means a need for long uninterrupted periods of time
        3. Commit to 30 minutes per day for three months. Schedule it in advance. Make it sacred.
        4. Use external tools to motivate yourself if you have to, like StickK. 


BREAK for coffee and refreshments


VIDEO + Q&A on Getting Noticed




  1. Write down and create your paragraph and keywords for your LinkedIn profile.
  2. Write your first email to ask for a job. 
  3. http://eepurl.com/jrQkjBecome a video game tester at Noir Studios!



Thank you and acknowledgements!